Record Searches/File Destruction

Criminal Record / Name Check Search

Our fingerprinting associates can perform a Criminal Record (CPIC) Check to see whether or not you have a criminal record on CPIC. The turnaround time for this service is usually under 1 week if you don’t have a record, and about 3 weeks if you do have a record. If you don’t have a record a CPIC check will say “No Record Found”. If you do have a record and want to see the information regarding your conviction(s), you will need to be fingerprinted for a fee of $84.00, and then a certified copy of your CPIC Record will be mailed to you.


File Destruction Services

Usually, this service is to destroy a CPIC record and/or Police Records showing a Conditional Discharge or Stayed, Dismissed, or Withdrawn charges as long as no other convictions appear on CPIC or Local Police Records and no additional charges or police investigations are pending.

Note: Depending on what police agency has the file and what type of disposition occurred (Alternative Measures, Peace Bond, Stay of Proceedings, Absolute Discharge, Conditional Discharge), there are waiting periods ranging from 3 months to 5 years after the final disposition has passed. Due to the policies of the different police agencies, no guarantees the File Destruction will be granted are given or implied.

Our Edmonton office specializes in File Destruction Services for police files across Canada. Our Canada-wide File Destruction Services include the permanent and complete destruction of all local and federal police files; your fingerprints, your photograph, all notes taken by the police, all data entered into the local police and national police database system (CPIC), your FPS (FingerPrintSection) Number. When the service is complete and has been successful, we will give you a Custom Designed Cover Letter explaining how to navigate US Customs. To apply, please call our office, or complete our Secure Online Application and click “Police File Destruction Services.” Once your application is received, we will send you documents to sign and return in a SASE.

Note: For two or more charges, this service includes a Privacy Act Information Request to obtain copies of all the information the arresting police detachment(s) has retained in their files. Doing this assures that all the information and documents the police have are included and detailed in our formal request to destroy all the information and documents. This ensures that no trace evidence is left behind on any level, so it’s like the event never happened.

Note: File Destructions take from 1 month to 1 year to be processed, depending on the police agency and Ottawa RCMP backlogs.

Note: File Destructions may also require Biometric Fingerprinting to obtain an FPS Number and Court Date. File destructions are $695.00 plus GST per police file. For more information, Contact Us.

Note: File Destructions for convictions after the person has been Pardoned are usually only granted after 10 years or more have passed without any further charges, investigations, or convictions, and if you have multiple convictions or an Indictable conviction, the police like to see at least 15 years of crime-free activity, and with no other negative police interactions whatsoever. Another reason to obtain this service is to destroy a CPIC record after the death of a convicted person.

Pardoned Record Search

This service is for persons who have received a pardon but who now need a copy of their Sealed Criminal Record from the Ottawa RCMP. The most common reason to obtain a Pardoned Record Search is to show U.S. Customs officials exactly what you were pardoned for, after failing to properly answer their questions.

Court Record Search

This service is for persons who need a copy of their court records. Court records show if the charge(s) was/were dismissed, if the offense was Summary or Indictable, who the victim was, and all disposition information.
The most common reason to obtain a Court Record Search is to show U.S. Customs officials (upon request) that the charge(s) originally put on your criminal record was/were dismissed, or that the pardoned record was for a DUI charge(s), or one minor (summary) offense that was committed over 20-years ago.

Pardon Certificate Search

This service is for persons who lost their original Pardon Certificate.

*Pardoned Record Search (Certified via Ottawa RCMP) is $80.00 plus GST.
Court Record Search is $252.00. (Court Records from the province of Saskatchewan are an extra $135.00, plus GST, for any amount.)
Pardon Certificate Request is $60.00 plus GST.

Apply Now:

To apply, please complete and submit a Secure Online Application and then click “Pardoned Record and/or Court Record Search”.

*Note: For a Pardoned Record Search via the Ottawa RCMP you need to get your fingerprints taken at the time by Alberta Fingerprinting Services.

Privacy Act Information Request

Privacy Act Information Requests are needed in order to obtain copies of all the information the arresting police detachment(s) has retained in their files. If you do not have detailed information regarding the offense(s) we may need to make a Privacy Act Information Request in order to get the information. Common reasons to obtain this service are to try and obtain the proof of age of a victim of Sexual Assault. Another reason is to gather police information and then make a formal request to have the information destroyed if you were never convicted of any crimes. It can also help when convictions are not put on CPIC and the information is needed in order to obtain a Canada Pardon or a US Waiver. Privacy Act Information Requests are $367.50 per police file, including GST.

For more information Contact Us.

To apply, please complete and submit a Secure Online Application and then click “Privacy Act Information Request”.

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