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Massive illegal migration to Canada and the USA in 2025

A Trump win could lead to massive illegal migration into Canada Come 2025 a massive wave of illegal migration will happen. If Donald Trump wins, millions of illegal migrants are expected to flood Canada's border hoping to escape a massive deportation. And if Kamala Harris wins, millions more migrants will flood the southern border while millions of Americans come to Canada to escape the tyranny from open borders. This is just one of the many catastrophic events that will usher in...

Amazon does not want you to read this

For several months Amazon seems to be doing a lot to prevent this "fictional" book from being read. After refusing multiple Book Trailers, not posting ads or Sales Data, and inflating the price by one hundred times, their latest trick is to only show 5% of the text rather than the standard 20%. When the author brought this to the attention of KDP Support and included a screenshot only showing up to page 13 of 260, and a screenshot...
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